Agent Unseen Update

We’re halfway through September already. How weird is that? We’ve been busy with all kinds of things. Francois and Hilgard just came back from Johannesburg, where they spent time at the A MAZE festival hanging out with all kinds of interesting people. Go check out our recent Twitter feed to get a taste of what they got up to.

Today we’re publishing a new build of Unseen, which has been renamed to Agent Unseen. It includes a lot of improvements and changes, including:

  • Revamped level generation
  • Upgrade enemy AI
  • New item system
  • Updated visuals and more colour variety.
  • Added more information features, such as a minimap and guard state change alerts

The downside to all these changes is a significant knock to frame rate, which we will need to look at soon. While the game is still very playable, it has made the flash version quite clunky. As such we highly recommend you download and play the native versions instead of the online one.

Go check out the game here.

We hope you enjoy the game. As always, let us know what you think.


After a hiatus, Clockwork Acorn is back with a new look, some exciting game projects, and plans for the future.

This was the first time I’ve ever gone to rAge, despite wanting to for years. In the past I just could not justify the cost of flying up from Cape

So we’ve got two big pieces of news to announce today. First off, we’re proud to say that our first full game, Monsters and Medicine, will be launching on the