This was the first time I’ve ever gone to rAge, despite wanting to for years. In the past I just could not justify the cost of flying up from Cape Town. Sadly we were there on business this year, so I didn’t get to spend as much time checking out the show floor as I would have liked.
That was the only real down-side though. Showing Agent Unseen off to random attendees and getting feedback from them was a blast. As those of you who have played it will know, Agent Unseen is a difficult game, we designed it to be punishing, which doesn’t make it the easiest game to show at an expo. Between the difficulty and the placeholder art I think we scared off a couple of people. It was however a delight to watch those who got it play the game. Digital feedback and stats tracking is one thing, seeing a couple of dozen people play is quite another.
This was our first trade show as a company so it was also our first time talking to press in person. We talked to a bunch of people about Agent Unseen, the company and indie game development in South Africa. It was lots of fun and a great learning experience for us.
Last but not least, while I already mentioned we didn’t get much time to play the games on the floor, we did manage to sneak in a quick game of Evolve when the doors opened on Sunday. Such a great game. It might seriously help me kick (augment?) my Dota addiction when it hits in February.
Go check out the new build for Agent Unseen. We’ve added controller support as well as sound and music by Ivo Sissolak and Adam Linder, which they made as part of an MGSA sound challenge.
Find a couple of fotos from the event below!