

Sharing Our Team Handbook

There are many ways to build a game development studio, and at Clockwork Acorn we have our own take on how to do this. As part of our vision, we want to help build, grow and maintain the local South

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Aaaand We’re Back!

Or at least we will be. Way back in 2014 we spent a couple of months working on some game prototypes and Monsters and Medicine, getting to grips with the whole indie game dev thing. After just less than a

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Website Improvements – Comments are go!

Welcome to our website! If you pay attention you might have noticed that things look a bit different around here. Francois has been hard at work over the last couple of days improving the website. I admit that when he

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How we came to use OpenFL

I’ve always wanted to make games. When I realised (roughly) what you need to do to make games, I was completely convinced that I’d make my own engine for each game, and that everything would be perfect. Soon after, I

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New Website

So, we’ve been working full-time for the past while and a new website with a blog is called for. Stay tuned for new and exciting games, coming to a device near you soon.

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