So we’ve got two big pieces of news to announce today. First off, we’re proud to say that our first full game, Monsters and Medicine, will be launching on the Humble store on the 7th of October. In addition, we’ve
We’re halfway through September already. How weird is that? We’ve been busy with all kinds of things. Francois and Hilgard just came back from Johannesburg, where they spent time at the A MAZE festival hanging out with all kinds of
August has been a big month for us. We’ve been very busy in a lot of places and we’ve had some exciting progress on the game development and business fronts. We’ll definitely be doing these monthly round-ups in the future
Over the past weekend we took part in Ludum Dare 30, an international game development sprint that takes place a couple of times a year. Each Ludum Dare has two distinct parts, namely an individual 48-hour competition, and a more
We just quickly wanted to let you know that one of prototypes, Unseen, is currently part of a sound design challenge over on the MakeGamesSA forums. We’ve opened up our sound system quite a bit for the game, so it’s
Over the past few months we have been prototyping like crazy, putting a lot of our game ideas out on the internet in order to get feedback on them from all of you. Thank you for all of the feedback
Our new prototype of the week, currently codenamed Morpheus, is another interesting mechanical experiment on our part. We wanted to see if it would be possible to automatically generate interesting special abilities and spells for characters in action games. So
We’ve got another prototype for you guys to try out today. We’re code naming it Vulcan for now and it involves a determined square swinging around with a ninja rope, smashing evil circles to bits with his trusty battleaxe. Yeah…
So we’re breaking our pattern this week, instead of a brand new prototype we’re bringing you updates to the two of our previous prototypes, Caelum and Unseen. We spent a lot of time in the last week updating them and
This week’s prototype is Caelum, part of an idea that has been mulling over in our heads for a long time. This is our first public prototype and contains a mere smidgin of the features we’ve thought of for this.
It’s been a couple of weeks since we started prototyping again. Those of you who follow us on twitter and facebook will have seen that we’ve been putting out a new prototype every week in the recent past. All in
In the past couple of weeks we’ve been finishing up development on Monsters and Medicine, which is now close to being complete. We’re glad to be finishing up our first project and excited for the ones that lie ahead. Although